

Drones - Military


The use of drone technology in the military has proven to be very effective for both surveillance and combat missions. Drones serve an integral part in providing the military with ISTAR:

• Intelligence

• Surveillance

• Target Acquisition

• Reconnaissance

The diagram below highlights some of the leading military drones.

Probably the most well-known military drones are the large-scale combat drones used by the US, which are all operated from US soil by pilots via a satellite link-up. The Predator, and its larger, newer cousin, the Reaper, both MALEs made by the US firm General Atomics. The original Predator was retired in 2018 and the Predator B (The Reaper) and Predator C now the premier combat drones for the US military.

The Reaper MQ-9 (Predator B)

The Predator B (MQ-9 Reaper) UAS is in service with the US Air Force, Nasa, the Royal Air Force and the Italian, French and Spanish air forces. Developed by GA-ASI, the remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) is designed to comply with the STANAG 4671 NATO standards.

The Predator B combat drone is twice as fast as its predecessor Predator and can carry 500% more payload. It is capable of reaching maximum altitudes up to 50,000ft and has a maximum speed of 240k and endurance of 27 hours.

Powered by a Honeywell TPE331-10 turboprop engine, the UAV can hold a maximum payload of 1,746kg, including an external payload of 1,361kg. It is capable of carrying multi-mission payloads such as EO/IR systems, Lynx multi-mode radar, multi-mode maritime surveillance radar, electronic support measures (ESM), laser designators. It can also hold various weapon systems, including GM-114 Hellfire missiles, GBU-12 Paveway II bombs, and a GBU-JDAM kit.

The Predator C Avenger

The Predator C Avenger is a remotely piloted aircraft developed by GA ASI. The first flight of the aircraft was conducted in April 2009. The combat drone has a maximum take-off weight of 8,255kg.

It is capable of carrying multiple sensor payloads attached to its wing hard-point mountings while its internal weapons bay can carry precision mutations and large sensors up to 1,588kg. The total payload capacity of the aircraft is 2948kg. Its weapon payload includes Hellfire missiles, guided bomb unit (GBU)-12/49 laser-guided bombs, GBU-31 GBU-32, GBU-38 38 joint direct attack munitions (JDMA) and GBU-39 and GBU-16/48 bombs.

The Predator C Avenger offers greater operational and transit speeds than Predator B aircraft. Powered by Pratt and Whitney PW545B turbofan engine, the combat drone is capable of reaching altitudes up to 50,000ft. It has a maximum speed of 400k and endurance of 20 hours.

The Global Hawk RQ 4

This drone is produced by Northrup Grumman and can cost over $130 million. It is used over conflict zones to conduct surveillance of mobile phone calls by intercepting their signals. It flies at over 50,000 feet.

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